May 17, 2012

MMM Day 16 & 17

May17, 2012
Day 16 - charcoal merino knit skirt & leggings. I copied both of these patterns from well worn RTW garments from Country Road. Casual day, at home with sick kids.

Day 17 - simplicity 2444 dress made in a printed cotton sateen from Tessuti. Work day...

I made these items last year and you can find more detailed photos on my Flickr page.

How's everyone going with MMM12?? I'm really enjoying it. I didn't realize I make so many everyday wear items.

Here's better photos of the garments.

L x


  1. You are rockin' it with all your handmade clothes!! I, hereby, award you the Liebster!!

  2. Looks like you are seriously having some MMM success. The dress above looks lovely. Your blouse in an earlier post was also very impressive - very professional indeed! LOVE dinosaur designs. Sewing aside, your lunch looks very impressive too! So healthy!

    1. Ha! Bernice, I'm doing Weight Watchers so my lunch is a bit too healthy. Don't worry, I completely destroyed the healthy today!!

      I love that blouse. The fabric really tops it off.

  3. The 2444 dress is lovely. I have this pattern and was hoping to make a work dress too. You've inspired me!


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