December 30, 2012

Sew: Grainline Moss Mini Skirt

December30, 2012
I've been thinking about this pattern for some time but once I saw Boo Dogg's and Poppykettle's versions, it jumped to the top of the list! I was too impatient to wait for my beautiful Italian denim from Tessuti to be pre-washed and dried that I went stash shopping and found this navy cotton drill from Spotlight. I bought 5 metres to make my Clover toiles but only used 1.5 metres after finding out the hard way that it does not contain 3% stretch. 

I made View B with the hem band. I simply hemmed the hem band with a 1.5cm hem instead of following the directions which direct you to fold the hem band in half and slip stitch it to the seam. I used some Liberty fabric left over from my Lonsdale dress for the pockets and facings.

I opted for a hook and slide instead of the jean button for a clean look. I will attempt the button for my next version.

I forgot to remove the basting stitches from the zip...

Project Details
Pattern: Grainline Moss Mini Skirt, View B
Fabric: Navy cotton drill from Spotlight
Alterations: Tapered in side seam from hip to waist by an extra 1cm each side, hemmed hem band with a 1.5cm hem (without folding back on itself)

I am ridiculously pleased with this skirt. I'm not in love with the fabric (cheap cotton drill) but can see so much potential in this pattern. The Italian denim is cut and waiting, including more Liberty lining. I just need to hem some neon green monkey boxer shorts for the boys...
L x

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