November 11, 2012

Progress: Spring & Summer Wardrobe

November11, 2012
The chemist in me loves a good list. And there is nothing I love more than to tick items off that list!! It's been almost 10 weeks since I made my Spring & Summer Wardrobe Plan and I have been making great progress.

I find a list and a bit of a plan essential as I simply pick my next project from the list and off I go. I have established a habit of cutting out heaps of projects at once and then putting the fabric, pattern and any required notions in a large ziplock bag so it is ready to go when I feel like it. I really don't enjoy the cutting out process and find this can delay my progress as I procrastinate by reading blogs or something. So I set aside a few hours while the boys are playing Lego in the lounge room and I cut out heaps of items on the kitchen bench.

So here is my progress list.

Work Wardrobe:
  • Vogue 8815 Peplum top & Butterick 3597 pencil skirt - blueberry ponti
  • New Look 6000 - black ponti & grey geometric print
  • Simplicity 2591 - black & white stripe (add pleated band over shoulder)
  • Vogue 8787 cowl neck dress - not sure which fabric yet
  • Butterick 3597 pencil skirts - 3 x remnants in my stash
  • Black blouse - silk crepe de chine

Casual Wardrobe:  
  • Cambie Dress - cotton sateen & CD floral
  • Lonsdale dress - Liberty
  • Simplicity 2215 dress - Liberty - in progress
  • Grainline Scout Tee - black Japanese floral
  • Grainline Tiny pocket tank - yellow floral (refashioned), navy birds, emerging spots
  • Simplicity jacket - gold/beige washed linen - changed plans to McCalls 6611 drape jacket
  • Colette Hazel dress - Japanese "industrial" border print - FAIL!
  • Simplicity 2250 jacket - Kelani denim
  • Kimono Tee - black spots
  • McCalls 6559 Maxi dress
  • Tessuti Lily dress - red linen
  • Vogue 1027 - Tessuti Eruption jersey - changed plans as fabric too light, another Vogue 1250??
  • Vogue 1250 - Tessuti Mystery Girl jersey
  • Little Black Dress

  • Finish:
    I still haven't finished the first three items as I have no love for them...

    Unplanned Items:

    My most worn items, and favourites, are the Grainline Scout woven tee, the black ponti New Look 6000 and the maxi dress.

    I've also added a few things to my list. I want a black Vogue 8815 peplum and have a red & white polka dot version cut out and waiting. I also bought another piece of black ponti for a pencil skirt as  got a bit carried away with the unfinished version and made it too small. I also have the black & white striped ponti for a pencil skirt ready to go. Plus numerous pairs of shorts for the boys cut out and waiting for some love.

    Mr N did say to me the other day that I was always sewing dresses. He told me to stop as my cupboard would be too full. He did however suggest that shorts for him were a good alternative!!

    How are you going with your spring (or fall) sewing plans?

    L x

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