July 09, 2014

Sew: Lady Skater meets Alexa T-top

July09, 2014

Hello! Long time, no blog!! As always life has been crazy busy, but probably a little more than normal. And I've been sick, really sick. I ended up in hospital for a few days with an extreme sore throat that was threatening my airway. Thanking my lucky stars for modern medicine, steroids and IV antibiotics! I'm almost back to my normal health self. Almost.

I have been sewing a little bit but not nearly as much as normal. My desire to sew and drink coffee are the first things to go and the last things to return when I get sick. I'm back to drinking coffee so I hope the sewing returns soon. Especially considering I only have a few weeks left of my sewing room before it is demolished for our house renovation and extension. Fingers crossed!

On to my latest dress! Despite making a failed Lady Skater, it's been stuck in my head. The combination of a fitted bodice with a flared skirt is hard to resist. My last version was too big despite removing 5 cm from each side seam. I also had issues with the length of the bodice. I ended up removing 5 cm and it was still too long. I'm surprised that not many people mention this issue in their reviews. I'm 178 cm tall and it's too long on me so I'm not sure how someone shorter has no issues. Despite all these issues, I still love the idea of a Lady Skater dress! I've had great success with the Alexa T-top from Tessuti so I thought using that as a base for the bodice would work well. I simply marked my desired bodice length and attached the Lady Skater skirt.Voila!

Project Details 
Pattern: Lady Skater by Kitschy Coo skirt and Alexa T-top by Tessuti bodice
Fabric: Deep red ponti from Alannah Hill outlet
Alterations: Many!
See Also: Look What I Made | Busy Lizzy in Brissy | Lladybird

I'm still not feeling the love for this dress. It's not something I reach for in the closet. I'm much more likely to reach for my striped Moneta dress. Not really sure why, but I'm just going with the flow.

I have a few other makes to blog soon. I hope to get some photos this weekend. I'm working on a magenta shift dress at the moment. It's going to rock! 

What's everyone else been up to lately? 

L x


  1. I love that colour on you. I think the Moneta is more 'you' though for some reason. Both look great, but maybe you just look more comfortable and you in the Moneta.

  2. So glad to hear you are getting better- that sounds all kinds of scary and bad. Take it easy and stay fabulous, lovely!

  3. Glad you are on the mend. Hopefully this dress comes around for you...it looks great!

  4. Hospital? Eeeek! Glad you were well looked after!
    I muslined the Lady Skater, and found the bodice long too... and never got past the muslin phase. I/m quite high-waisted and a pear shape, so somehow I visually prefer having a waistband piece instead of a seam joining the bodice to skirt. Son't know why, but I always feel cuter in it. Maybe that would work for you too?

  5. Good to see you up and about, that sounds scary. I like the dress, it's a great colour on you.

  6. Gosh, how did you get that sick! You poor thing. Good to see you on the mend.

  7. So glad to hear you're on the mend and I hope you get some more sewing in soon! I love this make on you but I really love your Moneta too. I had the same issue with the bodice length and I'm nowhere near as tall as you! Interesting how you reach for the same items over and over again - we just need to make more of those!

  8. Gosh! Hope you're back to full health soon. I really like this dress. It's interesting that two similar dresses could be quite different.

  9. Sorry to hear you've been so terribly unwell lately, fingers crossed for a full recovery soon because you'll need to be fighting fit to live through a reno! I'm not sold on the Lady Skater dress myself, I find it interesting that most people aren't critical about indie patterns the way they are about the commercial companies - is it because you can put a face to the name?

  10. I do hope you are feeling better and that the renovations will go smoothly.

    I like this red but would be lying if I didn't say I like the striped Moneta more. Perhaps it's just the stripes being Sassy and all "look at me" as opposed to the quiet dignity of the solid red?


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