November 11, 2014

Sew: Vogue 1349 in Magenta Ponte

November11, 2014

Another dress that I made a few months ago. And another round of photos taken by a 5 year old. He's getting better! Excuse the wrinkles, this was at the end of a rather long and busy day of kicking goals!!

This is Vogue 1349, a DKNY Vogue pattern. I'm not very good at matching different prints so I decided to keep it simple. I picked up this delightful magenta ponte knit at The Fabric Store at one of our sewing meet ups this year. It was in the special bin for $20 per metre. I really didn't need any fabric but I couldn't resist a ponte in this colour.

The dress design is very simple and has limited shaping. It is a glorified sack. I took it in at the bust side seams but couldn't take it in any further as it started to mess with the lines. There was also some drag lines starting to appear, so I let it be. I feel like it's a little big but it looks ok and I get compliments when I wear it. So it must be a winner!

I stuffed up the lining at the armholes and neckline. The lining didn't fit the width of the shoulder piece. I must have cut it off grain. So the lining is pulling the fabric and preventing it from sitting flat. It looks ok but bugs me greatly. I decided a massive necklace would help to hide it!

Project Details
Pattern: Vogue 1349, size 16-18
Fabric: Magenta Ponte knit from The Fabric Store
Alterations: 4cm sway back adjustment, removed 3cm from back neckline
See Also: Little Betty | Sew Dixie Lou | Sew Little Time

The pattern is probably knot designed for a ponte knit but I tend to think most things can be made in a ponte. I would like to try it again in a printed cotton sateen or even a denim.

I have a little bit left of this ponte and am planning to make a simple knit pencil skirt. Maybe the Colette Mabel skirt??

Once again, I wore it to work with my Cordova jacket and black tights. Are you seeing a common theme around here??

L x

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