November 28, 2013

Sew: Stripe Ponti Pencil Skirt

November28, 2013

This stripe knit pencil skirt has been on my sewing to do list for a very long time. I don't know why it took me so long to get around to it because the actual construction only took about half an hour. The project was rapidly pushed to the front of the queue one Friday afternoon when I was making a pair of black Suzy pants to wear to a work trivia night at the pub. I got a bit over confident and took the pants in too much. They looked good but I couldn't actually get them over my hips easily and if I did manage to get them on there was no way I could go to the bathroom while out! So I threw them aside in frustration while promising myself that I would just keep running until I could fit in to them. 

I then had a moment of sheer panic because I had nothing to wear to a casual work function at the pub. I have a lot of clothes but not a lot of cool funky clothes to wear out for drinks. I don't go out for drinks. At the age of 31, I am firmly in the "old" group of my work colleagues. It's not the age, it's the married with two kids and a mortgage, and being a senior level that puts me in that corner. What was I going to wear?!

I pulled out this fabric, some elastic and a Vogue pencil skirt pattern. I folded out the darts and cut around the pattern in a size smaller than my normal. I also pegged the skirt in an inch at the bottom. I almost got it finished in time for the 7 o'clock kick off. It is not hemmed in the top photo, which is the way I wore it out that night. I came back the following day and hemmed it with a twin needle and an inch hem.  
An extremely easy and satisfying make. Perfect for both the pub and a 3 year old birthday party at a play centre (bottom photo). The fabric was a random find at Spotlight last year. Unfortunately, it has started pilling already. I wish I knew which fabric were going to pill and which aren't. I can't stand pilling! It drives me nuts.

Project Details
Pattern: Any basic pencil skirt pattern.
Fabric: Black and white stripe ponti from Spotlight

I really need to work on a few items that I can wear out for dinner or to drinks. That is the major downfall of my wardrobe. I'm thinking a black dress could really help to fill this gap. Also a metallic Tokyo jacket, black Suzy pants and a few basic tanks.

I've been busy sewing and making Christmas presents lately. I also have quite a few finished items that are yet to be blogged. Unfortunately, I'm going through a bit of a blogging slump at the moment. I'm just going with the flow and hoping that it comes back soon.

How's everyone else going? Ever had nothing to wear despite a wardrobe full of beautiful clothes??

L x

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