March 03, 2017

Sew: StyleArc Hedy Designer Dress

March03, 2017

I'm surprised there are not more Hedy dresses on the interwebs. It's such a great pattern for a dress that's a bit different. I couldn't work out in my head if it was going to work in a stripe so I decided to just go for it. It is only fabric. And I'm so pleased with how it worked out! There was no stripe matching at all for the top. The only thing I tried to match was the side seams in the skirt section.

I opted for the neckline facing and have only tacked it down at the seams. I may go back and topstitch it down all the way around at 1 cm. I'll see how much it annoys me. I chose not to include the pockets as I didn't want any extra bulk in that area.

Project Details
Pattern: Style Arc Hedy Designer Dress, size 18
Fabric: Tessuti Fabrics Dusty Liner Blue viscose jersey
Modifications: Lengthened short version by 10cm, omitted pockets
See Also: Thornberry | Sew Jean Margaret | Catherine Daze

There will be another of these. I'd like a plain colour one. Probably black or charcoal. Of course.

January 17, 2017

Sew: Floral Colette Patterns Moneta Dress

January17, 2017

Amazing what you find in your blog draft posts! I made this dress long ago and I'm very pleased with it. The fabric may be a little lightweight for this pattern but it seems to be surviving.

This is my fourth Moneta dress. I have my beloved Jaywalk striped version, a red one that was gifted to my mum, a plain black one and this floral one. I find them the perfect work dress paired with some heals and a blazer in Winter.

Project Details
Pattern: Colette Patterns Moneta Dress, size XL
Fabric: Viscose printed jersey (Floreale Nero) from Tessuti Fabrics
Alterations: Omitted bodice lining and pockets, lengthened by 5cm
See Also: Sew Brunswick #1

Sew: Papercut Patterns Sway Dress in Red Linen


Probably not the most flattering of dresses but I'm not fussed. Today is going to be a scorcher here in Melbourne and I'm also flying to Brisbane which is a whole different kind of hot. My temporary childless days are over, as I'm going to get the boys from "Club Grandparents" and to see my family (very briefly).

This red linen sway dress was conceived after the success of my (yet to be blogged) Frocktails dress. Although, it's not as successful. I'm not sure what happened but the neckline has warped, possibly due to stretching. I failed to stay stitch or stay tape the neckline as I didn't need to with the first. I also have trouble keeping the straps on my shoulders so I have safety pins in there. So a bit of a doozy but you can't win all the time.

This was my Christmas day dress. It was great for sitting on the floor unwrapping presents, eating copious amounts of ham and just general lounging around. And it went perfectly with my Christmas light earrings.

Project Details
Pattern: Sway Dress by Papercut Patterns
Fabric: Red linen from The Fabric Store
Alterations: Removed some fullness to accommodate narrower fabric, lengthened by 10cm, used v-neck for front and back.
See Also: Lladybird | Noble & Daughter | Idle Fancy | Thornberry

And because I'm a sucker for punishment, I will probably sew this again and hope for the best!

December 20, 2016

Sew: Polka Dot Frankie Dress

December20, 2016

I took my polka dot Frankie dress for a spin today. We went in to the city to see the Christmas sights. Mr "almost 8" took a shot so I could blog it for you all to see.

I found this fabric in the depths of Clear It on a recent trip with my MIL. I was in the "not buying anything" category until I spotted this for some ridiculously cheap price. There is always room in my stash for spots (and stripes!).

The pattern is of course the Tessuti Frankie dress. I put the pattern centre front 1cm from the fabric fold, adding a total of 2cm to both the front and back width. I think this works well, but next time I will try just adding 1cm to the width as well as lengthening the should seam (as mentioned in my last post). Now to find more printed fabric to make more Frankies!

Project Details
Pattern: Tessuti Fabrics Frankie Dress, 3/4 sleeves, XL
Fabric: Jersey from Clear It
Alterations: Added 5cm to short dress length, slashed and spread sleeve by 2.5cm, added 2cm to centre front, omitted jelly tape
See also: Sew Brunswick #1 | Sew Brunswick #2

I was only allowed one photo by my photographer so you'll just have to believe me when I say it's pretty good.
December 18, 2016

Sew: Printed Tessuti Frankie Dress

December18, 2016

Another day, another Frankie dress. This is my fifth attempt at this dress. I just can't give up on it. The first was in a ponte and wasn't stretchy enough so was gifted to a friend. The second was in a pink jersey and it was unwearable as you could see every lump and bump so that one was gifted to Savers. The third was a winner and was my black midi version. The fourth is a spotty version that is finished but yet to be worn. And this here is my fifth that I wore this afternoon for our street's Christmas party.

This version is a summer dress. Short sleeves with the short dress length. I added some width to the sleeve and will add more again next time. I'd like the short sleeves not to be fitted. I only added an inch to this due to fabric restrictions. I bought 2m and the pattern says 1.85m. I will buy more next time so I can add another 2cm or so. I also added 1cm to the centre front by laying the pattern piece 0.5cm from the fold. I find the pattern narrow across the shoulders and chest. My navy spot version has 2cm added so we'll see which I prefer once I wear that one.

Project Details
Pattern: Tessuti Fabrics Frankie Dress, short sleeve/short dress, size XL
Fabric: Painted Leaves Navy, viscose/elastane jersey from Tessuti Fabrics online
Alterations: Lengthened by 2.5cm, slashed and spread sleeve by 2.5cm, added 1cm to centre front, omitted jelly tape from back neckline
See also: Sew Brunswick #1 | Sewing with Kate #1 | Sewing with Kate #2

I haven't finished with the Frankie dress pattern yet. I'm determined to make it work. I really like the neckline. I like that it's high and provides sun coverage. I've just discovered Sewing with Kate's shoulder adjustment to add width to the shoulder seam. I'll be giving that a go next time.

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