June 03, 2014

Round Up: Me Made May 2014

June03, 2014

I really enjoyed doing Me Made May this year. The act of wearing me made clothes every day is not difficult at all anymore. My wardrobe is predominantly me made and I actually like wearing clothes that I've made. It helps that my sewing ability has improved dramatically in the last few years. I've also succeeded in identifying what suits me and what I will actually wear. The challenge for me this year was to cleanse my wardrobe, identify gaps and start to plan myself a bit of a capsule wardrobe.

The first step in this process was reviewing what I wore during May.

Week One 
Day 1: Vogue 1314 dress
Day 2: Lady Skater meets Alexa T-top dress (un-blogged) + Minoru jacket + scarf
Day 3: Vogue 1027 dress
Day 4: Tessuti Alexa T-top
Day 5: New Look 6000
Day 6: Vogue 1250 + Sewaholic Cordova Jacket
Day 7: Style Arc Ali Knit SkirtSewaholic Cordova Jacket

Week Two 
Day 8: Simplicity 2343 skirt + Vogue 8815 peplum top
Day 9: Tessuti Anita Pants + Kwik Sew 3045 Jumper
Day 10: Style Arc Harper Jacket + self drafted merino skirt + Minoru jacket
Day 11: Style Arc Harper Jacket + Tessuti Anita Pants 
Day 12: Vogue 1250 Dress
Day 13: Vogue 1027 dress
Day 14: McCalls 6460 dressSewaholic Cordova Jacket

Week Three 
Day 15: Style Arc Harper Jacket + Vogue 1314 dress
Day 16: Tiny Pocket Tank + Colette Juniper Pants (un-blogged)
Day 17: Mission Maxi + Drape drape Top
Day 18: McCalls 6559 dress
Day 19: Colette Moneta (un-blogged)
Day 20: Simplicity 2343 skirt + Renfrew tank
Day 21:  Tessuti Anita Pants + McCalls 5884 blouse

Week Four
Day 22: Colette Moneta + Sewaholic Cordova Jacket
Day 23: Tessuti Anita Pants Tessuti Alexa T-top + Style Arc Harper Jacket
Day 24: McCalls 6559 Maxi
Day 25: Tessuti Anita Pants
Day 26: Vogue 1250 Sewaholic Cordova Jacket
Day 27: Colette Laurel dressSewaholic Cordova Jacket
Day 28: Simplicity 2343 skirt (un-blogged) + Style Arc Harper Jacket

Week Five
Day 29: Colette Moneta + Sewaholic Cordova Jacket
Day 30: Tessuti New York Cape + Grainline Moss Mini + Sewaholic Renfrew
Day 31:  Style Arc Harper Jacket + Colette Moneta

The clear favourites for May were my Sewaholic Cordova JacketTessuti Anita Pants, Colette Moneta, various Vogue 1250's & my Style Arc Harper Jacket.

The next step is giving my wardrobe a good cleanse. I need to be ruthless! After this I'm going to work out what I need in my wardrobe and plan a basic wardrobe. I know that another work jacket is high on the list, as well as loose tops and another pair of Anita pants.

I hope you enjoyed your sneak peek into my wardrobe. I certainly enjoyed showing you my daily outfits and playing along with Me Made May 2014. Thanks to Zoe for organising another fabulous MMM and here's to MMM2015!!

L x


  1. Loved it all but I have to say that last photo of you is just amazing. You have so much joy on your face looking at your little one.

    Beautiful hand made wardrobe, you must be so proud.

  2. Wow, you look great in all your creations, you are an inspiration and I'm in awe that you work, have kids and sew all those clothes!!! While I didn't take part in MMM I did attempt to wear mostly me-mades and it was fun. Can you please review the Colette Moneta dress as I have just pre-purchased it and would love any tips. Thanks!

  3. You're me mades are better than any designer collection I've seen. They fit well and have the colours that make you shine.

  4. Great wardrobe! You've inspired me with the Cordova jacket.

  5. You have great style, lady. And I want to steal that necklace...

  6. I really love your Colette Moneta dress...it looks fab with mustard. You've got such a lovely me-made wardrobe!

  7. Your wardrobe looks great, setting your photos out like this is a great way to review and stocktake.


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