May 01, 2012

Me Made May 2012

This morning, the first morning of May, I decided I was going to do Me Made May. Zoe from So, Zo... What do you know? is coordinating a month long challenge where sewists have to challenge themselves to wear their own creations for the whole month of May. As this is my first Me Made Challenge I am going to do the Lite version where I only have to wear at least one item each day. So here goes...

'I, Leith from Sew Brunswick sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '12. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made clothing item (not just an accessory) each day for the duration of May 2012'.
To start it all off, here is my outfit for today.

My beloved old-faithful Vogue 1027 made up in a stretch knit from Tessuti Melbourne. I have an accrued day off work today (and the kids are at childcare) so I've been for a run, read the paper, drunk my coffee (while it's hot!!) and am now sitting down at my machines. Watch this space!

L x


  1. I love your dress - a great way to kick off MMM and it sounds like you had a great day too.

  2. I love this dress! you look gorgeous


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